The United Kingdom possesses an authority in providing education and a status of dominance in the world of learning. Its research and quality driven institutions are unmatched in a variety of subjects including Engineering, Law, Economics and Business. The knowledge base of UK University Departments, Research Centres and Faculty is of superior quality that must be tapped into by those aspiring to be future leaders.
The United Kingdom has allocated sufficient resources and investment to institute the education powerhouse it is today. With some of the most ancient and prestigious universities in the UK, the education establishment has always attracted the brightest of students presenting a wonderful networking opportunity to work together in a truly global marketplace. The diverse range of courses offered by UK universities has resulted in UK being the 6th highest ranked study destination in the world. Moreover, 4 of the Top 6 Universities in the World are in the UK. Due to these reasons, thousands of students are opting to study abroad in UK.